Although Temperance is generally a positive card, it comes with a warning. Too much of a good thing can turn badly very quickly. If you thoroughly enjoy one aspect of a relationship, try to mix it up and bring that energy to new frontiers. If your relationship is strictly sexual, it may benefit both parties to explore other aspects of each other. On the flip side, if a romantic relationship has become stale and prudent, try to spice it up a bit. Familial and platonic relationships require temperance as well, so be sure to give them the proper attention or take a step back if needed. Furthermore, seek to balance any trivialities or intensity within your relationships across the board.
15 (0.8%)
Temperance calls for moderation. Workaholics become burnt out and laziness leads to lack. Don't fall victim to worry when it comes to your job or career but be sure not to be too lackadaisical in your monetary pursuits as well. Cease any frivolous spending habits and likewise be cautious of miserly attitudes you may be taking on.
15 (0.8%)
Temperance challenges us to embody patience. Re-examine your priorities and above all you should seek some sort of middle ground. Neurotic questioning of the self should be avoided and instead take on a more relaxed approach when examining yourself. If stricken with apathy, contemplate where this attitude comes from and work to temper it towards an attitude that is less jaded and cold. Temperance reminds you that if you find yourself in a rut, often times it is doing the opposite of what got you there in the first place that will get you out.
15 (0.8%)