You know very well what you have to offer other people and it's time that they realize what they have in you as a friend or lover. Ease your mind in knowing that you are a high-value individual and so long as you embody this notion, people will be attracted to you.
12 (0.7%)
You take pride in your work and rightfully so. Allow yourself to bask in your accomplishments for they have helped you get to where you are today. The Nine of Cups affirms your ability to complete projects or realize gains and there is everything to be proud of regarding this. Don't be afraid to show off the fruits of your labor.
12 (0.7%)
While Cups normally speak to inner feelings, this card is almost completely materialistic. Take a look at your surroundings as well as your possessions and strive to develop a healthy attachment to them. All in all you should be grateful for the path you took as it serves you well currently and will continue to in the future. Whatever it is you're doing, keep doing it.
12 (0.7%)