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The Devil
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The Devil may indicate a toxic relationship. Perhaps you feel trapped, either by compulsion or an obsession regarding others. One lesson that can be found within the Devil card is in regards to both the chain that acts as a trap and the torch that is the only source of illumination. Both symbols are illusory. One can, with enough conviction, break through these illusions and shed any qualities of co-dependency. Alternatively, one can choose to remain ignorant and continue to be seduced by a false sense of satisfaction.
13 (0.7%)
Relating to finance, The Devil can represent mindless spending or greed, as well as an inability to be satiated with your gains. Often times, we define ourselves by our vices. The reality of the damning nature of said vices becomes more palpable than ever when The Devil is present. Know that the chains in which we ourselves create are mere illusions. Aim to break free from self-made mental traps or else they will continue to consume you, holding you back from achieving the prosperity that you so desire.
13 (0.7%)
The Devils points to an indulgence in our darker desires i.e. lust, anger, depression, etc. These aspects of ourselves are significant in how we perceive ourselves and sometimes we cannot imagine a future in which we are free from them. To be defined by negative qualities is to live within a false reality. Realize the shackles in which your wrists are bound by or else suffer through a life of enslavement to negative ideals.
13 (0.7%)
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Token / Blockchain
ERC721 eth