The Three of Swords is typically indicative of bad news, especially when it comes to romantic relationships. Often times it's most direct interpretation is that of a broken heart. This card doesn't always necessarily indicate failure or betrayal within a romantic partnership, but it can point to unresolved issues that will inevitably lead to a breakdown of sorts if not addressed.
The Three of Swords tells you to be weary of the potential for betrayal within your professional life. Observe your colleagues and partners with a keen eye- there might just be someone with sycophantic intentions whom is looking to play you. The implications of said betrayal may not be devastating, but more so annoying, pathetic, and sad.
While you may have a heavy heart, attempt to embody a stoic approach as a mechanism of healing. The Three of Swords warns of the risk of drowning in your own sorrow instead trying to navigate through it. Sometimes viewing life through a more logical, left-brained scope provides the solace we need to overcome tough emotional obstacles.