The Six of Cups indicates that someone from your past will appear soon. While catching up with them will be a positive experience, it may also be fleeting. Seeing this person will trigger old memories and feelings, so allow yourself to be enlivened by but what once was. Have gratitude for the experiences in your life and be excited for the multitude of memories that you will create as time goes on.
A brief air of leisure may enter your professional life. You may find a newfound enjoyment in your work, even as it relates to the most tedious or menial of tasks. Savor this pleasant moment while it lasts.
The Six of Cups is a card of nostalgia. Use this time to reflect back on fond memories and connect with your inner child. As one looks back on their life aspects of the self are rediscovered and integrated. Be sure to take in the whole picture of your past and use it to form an image of what you'd like to see in your future.